Rottweiler bites adult male in the face around the lips and nose while taking a treat from the victim’s mouth in Philadelphia, Pa.
After a history of playing rough with the dog for a couple of years despite the female owner’s disapproval – the adult male plaintiff was bitten in the face by the dog while trying to get the dog to take a treat from his mouth. At the time of the incident, the man was drinking beer and had been roughhousing with the dog. The victim claimed the dog owner knew their dog was dangerous and failed to warn or protect him from the attack.
I was hired by the woman defendant as an expert on canine provocation to determine whether this Rottweiler attacked the victim or miscalculated and bit the victim because of a misjudgment by the dog. She wanted to know if the victim had caused the incident and that the dog mistakenly got hold of the man’s face by accident when taking the treat.
I temperament tested the Rottweiler and found it was more likely that this was in fact an accident and that the dog did not attack.